RilataTech ProduktiION’Activ KETO Zero

ION’Activ KETO Zero

An adjuvant for ketosis therapy

Especially suitable for preventing subclinical ketosis!

Packing: 24 pcs. / 24 per box
Product features:
easy and comfortable to use
acts immediately after administration
can be injected into the rumen with the convenient ION'Activ bolus gun
active for at least 3 days after administration
Your benefits:
fewer animals culled after calving
successful start of lactation
healthy, productive and long-lived cows
higher milk yield and income per cow
better reproduction results
less worry and work

How does ION’Activ KETO Zero work?

  • quickly restores energy metabolism
  • helps the liver convert fat and protein into glucose and energy
  • helps to remove accumulated fat from the liver, thereby preventing liver damage and facilitating liver function
  • provide cows with easily and immediately available energy sources
  • facilitates the absorption of sugars (glucose) into the blood and tissues
  • stimulates and supports the growth and activity of the microflora of the rumen
  • improves appetite, increases feed intake
  • improves feed digestibility, tissue availability and efficient nutrient utilization
  • provides more energy from feed, reducing the need to use fat from the cow’s body reserves as an energy source

Recommendation for use:

  • use ION’Activ KETO Zero bolus in all cows if your herd does not measure ketosis indicators (urine pH and ketone bodies) before and after calving
  • use ION’Activ KETO Zero bolus in all cows with BHB (beta hydroxy butyrate) in their blood
    • more than 0.6 mmol/l before calving
    • or after calving more than 1,0 mmol/l
  • for the prevention of subclinical ketosis, administer 2 boluses of ION’Activ KETO Zero orally into the rumen of the cow on the day of calving, as soon as possible after parturition
  • use the convenient ION’Activ Bole Gun to administer the bolus
  • ION’Activ KETO Zero is also recommended as an adjunctive treatment for clinical ketosis
  • use ION’Activ KETO Zero bolus in all cases where cows have reduced feed intake and increased risk of ketosis (mastitis, lameness, gluteal dislocation, metritis, placental retention, overcrowding, high stress, etc.)
  • when using ION’Activ KETO Zero boluses as an adjuvant for clinical ketosis, administer 2-3 boluses into the rumen on the first occasion and two more ION’Activ KETO Zero boluses three days later

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